Going Metro and more rambles
I am going to type, and what comes out may or may not make sense due to one of the following:
-being in a meeting ALLL DAMN DAY
-3 beers and one rum and coke deep at 9:30 on a friday
you choose
So for the past two days I have been riding what I would have refered to in the past as LA's sorry exscuse for public transportation(PT). my first impressions where as follows:
-WTF, i have figured out why LA and california is going broke. there is no monitoring of who rides the god damn PT. in a normal city, you would buy an electronic card, token, or what ever and insert at point of entry to said PT. well not in LA. we have such faith in our fellow citizens we allow you to purchase a ticket on the "honor system"(unlimited day pass for $3) and any mode of PT they offer. no one checks, no one cares, and ....WTF
-is the red line from union station to noho at 5:30pm the best time to clean your pot smoking device? logic would point to... no!!!! but not only would you clean it on the train, you would discuss it at a volume above your inside voice wit other passengers who are only responding out of fear. you can ask crystal for backup if you like.
-this is how i am going to go to the less than jake show at the palace in hollywood and come home with out worry of a 2nd dui.
a couple of shout outs(in no order other than mine:)
-mr. horton for forcing his 100+ project manager staff to ride the metro for two days and reimburse us. found a new way to connect to my fellow "angelians?"
-holy shit my foot hurts!!!!
-thank you kanye west for stating on live national tv what the rest of the world knew.
-a big FU to everyone who is wondering why people didn't "just leave" n'oleans... i tell you what, live through 5 evacuations and see how you feel about leaving a sixth time.. or better yet, equality still does not exist in the south...
-go dad!!!! former southeast GEMA (georgia emergency mgmt.), wrote the protocall for the southern states disaster plan, to bad louisiana did not buy in. by the way, you have my vote for FEMA director. you are infinatly more qualified than some jackass horse guy.
-way to go brendan small... its been almost a year since your stomach surgery and you have not died... i promise you, i will not own a 6k cat
-say a prayer for angus mcloed... my parents badass scottish aterrier, diagnosed with cushings and just recently had spleen removed... get well soon big guy, i can't wait to see you on turkey day
- capt. bob for a sweet new piece on my back
-jesus soap on a rope... anyone who has used the guest bathroom knows what i am talking about...
-happy birthday= johnny e., scott 'zealander' f., jared 'jabo' g., and one to myself for not being dead(the alcoholism hasn't killed me yet)
onevmore BIG BIG BIG UPS to mr. horton again, see below:
#1 - "Dear Friends,
You've all seen the pictures of incredible damage, pain, and suffering coming out of Louisiana. Its shocking and sobering to witness such devastating destruction. I know each one of us is moved to help our fellow Americans get through this nightmarish catastrophe. LDI is providing a $7,500.00 donation to aid the victims of this tragedy. $5,000 will be sent to the American Red Cross, and $2,500.00 will go to the Salvation Army. The checks are going out this week. Both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army are providing direct, immediate, first line response to victim's needs. I am also inviting you all to take part in our effort. Those wishing to add to our donation may write a personal check to either organization, and leave the check with ****, *****, or ******. Your donation will be sent concurrently with our corporate donation. Thank you all for your help. I've always appreciated our corporate and individual willingness to help people in need. This time, these folks really do need us to give them peace of mind." (i may disagree with you sometimes but you never stop amazing me)
#2 - (four business days later)
"Dear Friends,
I'm sure that over the weekend, as you saw images from Louisiana, you have become moved at the extend of the destruction and human despair. Last week I wrote indicating that LDI had was making a $7500 contribution to the Red Cross and Salvation Army. Happily, I can report that, with ******'s efforts, we are able to increase our corporate donation to $9500 to the Red Cross and $2500 to the Salvation Army. I also asked that those wishing to, send checks to our HR department for us to contribute to either the Red Cross or Salvation Army on your behalf. I still encourage you to do so. I think with a catastrophe so great, each of us needs to give of ourselves. Of course, it may be more suitable for you to contribute through your church, or through any other organization which seems best. I do feel strongly that we all should pitch in, one way or another. Its human, and humane." (every bit counts)
1 Things for me to hate you for saying
marathon!blog - i have eyestrain after reading all that...
poor angus - can't do much about the spleen (why'd it have to be removed, anyway?), but cushings is pretty easily treated. hooray for modern medicine!
my new motivation to see your place: jesus soap-on-a-rope. WTF?!
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