Go see DOMINO!

Just got back from a sneak preview of this film at Universal Studios.
This is a reallyt cool film for anyone who enjoyed "Fear and Loathing...". Very similar in cenimatic style.
It has a great random cast. Tom Waits, Ian Ziering and Brain Austin Green (90210), and Christpher Walken make appearances. However, if you check IMD, Tom is not listed... interesting... By the way, Ian and Brian were brilliant!!!!
The plot was a little shakey. I think they were trying to go toward a Pulp Fiction type story line, but gave up half way.
More humor than you would expect.
You get to see Keira's boobs!! I know Nick will be there for the first showing.
Mickey Rourke kicks ass.
An interesting and somewhat true story
Keira has no boobs!!
Having to watch some horrible thing called Reel Moments. This was part of some Glamour Magazine promotion.
Overall ***1/2
0 Things for me to hate you for saying
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