R. I. P.
Angus McLeod
1990 - 2006
Angus was very sick when we got him. He had a bad stomach infection, hernia and a distended intestine(?) and due to his very small size as a puppy, the doctors said it was a tough call to operate or let him pass. For all you potential vets out there, it has got to be tough to look a 13 year old boy in the eye and say his 8 month old Scottish terrier won't live very long. Some how I convinced my mother to pay for the very expensive surgery. As we took him home, the doctor said there was no guarantee that he would get better.
Unfortunately, he forgot that you can't tell a Scottie anything. Anyone who knows the breed knows that they are stubborn enough to even fend off death for 16 years. However, he was not strong enough to fight off the cushings, skin cancer, lung cancer, a failing memory, glaucoma, and plain ole' old age.
I will miss our walks, if that's what you call me being drug around the neighborhood.
Thanks for always being at my feet when I sleep and barking at the door when I came home. It just won't be the same with out you.
5 Things for me to hate you for saying
He was a good dog, and I'm glad I knew him.
i hope happier days are coming your way. i'm sorry about your friend.
i never knew that Angus had such a heroic beginning, but he was obviously a fighter. i'm sorry i never got to meet your pal :(.
sorry about your lost. I hate life sometimes!
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