It aint all flowers and sausages!!

While watching the most awesome show in the world, The Soup, I came across my new favorite phrase.
They were playing a clip from ABC's Wife Swap. This kid could not have been more than 8 or 9 years old. The new wife was trying to set some ground rules for how the kids were going to behave.
The new wife said that the children would have to wear clean and colorful clothes. The 8 or 9 year old boy, with a mohawk, then screams something like this - "If you think I'm going to wear colorful clothes your crazy. This isn't going to be all flowers and sausages, so don't try to change us!"
Here's a question, where does an 8 year old come up with language like that? I mean, I have read some great literature in my life and not once have I read anything as eloquent as that.
Anyone else have any other great phrases they say or have heard?
1 Things for me to hate you for saying
hey friend of EBs here. if you like that phrase you should here some of the things chuncky mowhawk kid's dad said. sort of like laughing up spaghetti.
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