While the wife's away...

my 'old lady' is out of town for the week. time to return to the good ol' days of staying up, late watching tv, sitting around in my underpants and drinking lots of beer.
not sure how that's any different than when she is here but, it seems more cool without her.
just got finished catching up on the entire first season of House, M.D. please find some astute observation below.
-dr. Cameron is mad hot and i would leave my wife for her
-dr. cuddy (see above)
-learned that you can't die with dignity, you can only live with it. chew on that
-carmen electra will do anything for money
-finally learned what 'stat' means in dr. jargon
-should have been a dr.
got a reiki massage. for all who don't know
***"Reiki or Âuniversal life energy is a healing technique that originated in Japan. By gently placing the hands on or above the body in specific positions, this treatment is designed to relieve pain, restore vitality, and enhance your spirit."***
now you know. The part about gently placing hands on or above body. yeah, that pretty much explains it. no more, no less. its the thought that counts.
more to come..
5 Things for me to hate you for saying
I'm leaving you for Shane West then. He's a doctor too.
I think you ment to say,
Burn! Face! Burn!
Nice try.
i told courtney to write the burn, so i take credit for its supposed misuse too. what is this 'face' crap?
maybe you meant that the face of shane west should burn. now there's an idea i can get behind...
I am glad you got some sleep
i've always wanted to be someone's 5th commenter..ator...
i don't have any doctor slams for you. sorry.
the last hospital show i watched was ER. and then Scrubs; the spectrum, as it were.
"Shane West"
a cowboy or a
doctor? his name requires
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