All 50 states in under a quarter of a second!!!

Lois Griffin: You should spend some time with our kids, Peter. And with me. Peter Griffin: Uh, what could me and you do together? [Lois giggles] Peter Griffin: Lois. You've got a sick mind. Lois Griffin: Peter, I'm talking about making love. Peter Griffin: Oh. I thought you wanted us to murder the children and harvest their organs for beer money

Monday, December 12, 2005

Herschel FYI

Be sure to check out the previous post for a really good chuckle and smile.

1 Things for me to hate you for saying

At 8:49 PM, Blogger april said...

find an oozy toenail and i will officially write a poem about you.
bonus points if it's at a water park.

hersch -- i really do love you i swear. it's just that this is too much fun for me.


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