Somehow I got passed this little gem at work the other day. I know its not a real C & H but I like to think he would eventually say something like this. Just got back from the doctor. No worms thank god. Ooops. I mean, no worms, thank Flying Spaghetti Monster. I have chosen my new false idol to be him.

The Church of FSM is a religion with out a church. Only when we achieve the pirate ship will our voice be heard. Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and others believe that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created everything. I feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him. It was He who created the worm and only He who can deliver us from their evil. Herschel can I get an Amen?!! Some people think that his noodley appendages look somewhat like tapeworms but, everyone knows they are Vermacelli.
Oh yeah, I have to stop willingly ingesting live typhoid and start taking an antibiotic. No, not for the typhoid, that would be stupid. But to hinder the nasty infection that is guilty of causing my semi ruptured right ear drum.
Luckily, nothing like what is happening below.
3 Things for me to hate you for saying
Barf. PS I'm too lazy to post this on my own site, but I've had 4 more hits on my novel!!
just wait one day.... I will find your weaknesss, hahahahahahahahaha, one day groddy head.
and lazy poster can you write me into your booky book? well whats it about first?
she says its something about teenage drumliners.. at first i thought that was some sort of smut termenology, but it turns out it means you are in the highschool band
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