All 50 states in under a quarter of a second!!!

Lois Griffin: You should spend some time with our kids, Peter. And with me. Peter Griffin: Uh, what could me and you do together? [Lois giggles] Peter Griffin: Lois. You've got a sick mind. Lois Griffin: Peter, I'm talking about making love. Peter Griffin: Oh. I thought you wanted us to murder the children and harvest their organs for beer money

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Someone should call Bruce Springstein and tell him to get a new nick name,

because I'm the Boss now!!!

Shout out to my Benjamin, hanging on the right. Stay strong in your dark hour.

Another big shout out to Fox News. You are the only station who could take the story of a son fulfilling his mothers last wish of having her ashes spread on Philadelphia Eagles home field into a scare story. "We have all seen the crazy guy run out on the sporting field only to be arrested. But how many of them are spreading the remains of dead people? We will tell you. Tonight at 11."

I believe it was Patton Oswalt who said it best. If the news station want real rating, they should just flash a big naked boob on screen with the tag line of "Whip out your dicks, cuz we’re gonna news ya!!"

Now that's a sweeps tactic like none other.

Monday, November 28, 2005

to tired to write, but wanted to share this...

this lovely piece of art can be found in the alley behind lunch paper...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

i just don't get it,

i fly 2,500 miles to see my family who i have not seen in over a year and they act like i come by every sunday. please tell me why my mom decided to go to work on wednesday when she has not seen her son in 13 months? why does my brother act like i took a shit on his parade when i say, "your son is a wild child"?

in case anyone wants some advice, if your children fly 8 hours to come and see you, act like they are liquid gold and you will never see them again. don't act like they are old hatte.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

(you are amazed at my ability to constantly come up with a clever title)

i found this in a "secret stash" of photos on my storage drive. it was a staged picture, but i have often thought of sending off to jack and trying to get an add campaign started about drinking and skiing. i would imagine that this particular bottle had something to do with me almost killing anna. but then again it could have been the jackass who cut me off or the fact that i can't snowboard. i'm just saying.

ahhh, LAX. you are quite the bitch, but soon i will be your pimp. how i have longed for the days of travel in the time of holiday. if only i could spend more time in you, then i could discover your secrets. don't worry, i will soon be the master of your domain. but what really sucks, is the layover in detroit at 3am. had i known the wifey had set it up like so, i would have never agreed to such shinanigans. oh how i loath the cross country flight with a stop.

is it nuclear fall out? nope, just your average run of the mill sunset in helLA. i can't imagine that all that red is good stuff. i'm no expert on air quality, but put it this way. i ran track in highschool and college, played soccer for 13 years, and was an acomplished whitewater paddler for a long time. now i can barely run up and down the street with out being out of breath.

to my wife-

it has been one week
since you left me all alone
i have showered twice

see you in a few days!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Why wild animals eat their young...

i guess i could put up some sort of description, but that just would not give you the surprise you are in store for.... enjoy....

Less Than Jake!!!!!

I hate to sound like a total dork, but LTJ is recording in my 'hood!!!!!!!

They are a mear stones throw away from my pad!!!!!

It is just about all I can do to not drive over and scope out the studio.

I should invite them to karaoke at Sardo's!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

It lives!!

thanks for all of your concerns...
and yes, i am a honky and quite proud of it..

no worries though

i will write again shortly