Sunday, July 31, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
The weekend is over.
I completed my art project this weekend. I will post a picture of it when it is fully installed. So you will just have to hold all of your "good jobs" until then.
My old lady is home for about 18 hours before she leaves for the week.
Got to go....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Its coming, its coming.....

My 1 of the limited 2,000 copies of Less Than Jakes' "B is for B-sides (Remix)" is supposed to arrive tomorrow!!!!
Check out the track list:
1- Portrait Of A Cigarette Smoker At 19 - they had a cool art contest for this song... I believe the winner made the cover of this album.
2- Sleep It Off - A great song about waking up drunk and of course...
3- Bridge And Tunnel Authority - Anyone who lived near water can relate to this song. The descriptive lyrics about driving are great.
4- National Anthem - BADASSS MoFo!! My favourite LTJ song!!! Best line: "My American dream is to have it/ A little bit better than my parents ever had it/ My American dream is to have it/ A little bit better than its just a force of habit"
5- Goodbye In Gasoline - About running away
6- Last Rites To Sleepless Nights - Growing up
7- Showbiz? Science? Who Cares? - New one. Not heard in concert. Llimited to LP release only.
8- Jay Frenzal - Same as above.
9- Nine-One-One To Anyone - First release. Played in concert many times.
10- Robots One, Humans Zero - This song gave birth to M v R
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
If Jimmy cracks corn...
and nobody care. Then why does he keep doing it? Got any wierd undiagnosed OCD?
Me - I have to constantly count my teeth. Not sure why, but I do. However, if you asked my how many I have, I could not even make a guess.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Tomorrows a big day...
Tomorrow is the day that 'the man' will put a price on how much my ass is worth. Anybody care to make a guess?? The answer will be revealed on tomorrows episode.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Sorry GLFC
10 years ago: Lets see. I was still at the all boys, catholic, military highschool I attended. I probably just got finished competing in the state finals of track and field. I use to pole vault. Believe it or not. I once cleared 16', but that was in college. I was driving a 1977 Ford Fairmont, with a 302 V8. I had a shaved head. And my best friend(s): Steven, Chris(MIA), Mauro(RIP), and David.
5 years ago: Finished my 3rd year at the university of Georgia. I had just got out of jail for a DUI and on my way to Nash-Vegas. Not running from johnny law, no, I had an internship from which I would not return until January of the next year. There I had a hot lesbian neighbor who was dating a Harley addict who was not hot. I would go white water paddling every weekend. I was driving a 1989 Toyota Carrolla DX with 135k miles on it. Not worth mentioning the engine on this one. I got my first cell phone from Cingular/Att. My hair was unkempt. And my best friend(s): Nubbins(my cat), and Beeb.
1 year ago: I have been in Los Angeles for 2 yrs. My wife of one year had no job to speak of. We had just recently moved to NoHo from BDB(Beautiful Downtown Burbank). No problems with the law. Good job for 2 years. I have an executive mohawk and a soul patch. I am driving a 2003 Toyota Matrix. I guess all those movies with aggressive advertising I got the see finally had their way with me. Best friend(s): Courtney, Nubbins, and Brendan Small(other cat), James, JaBo, and LDI folks.
Yesterday: Drove my Audi A4 (on loan to me as long as I work) to Ventura to help my boss schmooze my biggest client on his 57' custom yacht. No complaints on that day.
Today: Woke up at about 10:30. Watched many shows I missed this week on my Tivo. Went to Target, TJ's, and took a walk.
Tomorrow: Will wake up at 5:30am, eat Kashi and watch the Tour, go to work, eat lunch, go to work, come home, exercise, watch Tivo, and cook dinner.
5 snacks I enjoy: Funyuns with wasabi, Doritos, Salsa, Guacamole, and Cheese
5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Less than Jake, Social D, Screeching Weasel, REM, and New Found Glory
5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Buy a house and invite all of you over to party.
5 locations IÂd like to run away to: Rome, Buenos Aires, Antarctica, South Africa, and Home
5 bad habits I have: Drinking, Swearing, Apathy, Farting, and Telling people exactly what I am thinking.
5 things I like doing: Perusing the Tivo menu, watching Tv/Movies, playing Rummy with my wife, rocking out to music by myself in my car on the commute home, sitting in the quiet, and doing nothing.
5 things I would never wear: Deck shoes w/ out socks, A shirt tucked in w/ out a belt, belt with suspsenders, a duck, and a mullet(maybe)
5 TV shows I like: Family Guy, COPS, Greys Anatomy, Miami Ink, and Robot Chicken
5 Movies I like: Old School, Can't Hardly Wait, Fight Club, Life Aquatic, and The Trouble with Harry.
5 famous people IÂd like to meet:Gardnerer Linn, Ryan Malloy, James Renfroe, Nick Hiltgen, and Will Brooks.
5 biggest joys at the moment: Looking for a house, making a big sale, finishing a project, grilling, and karaoke.
5 favorite toys: Tivo, iBook, iShuffle, my first Camera Phone!!, and my grill.
? of you who are going to do your own: Courtney, Erin
San Diego!!
Its a fact. Its the greatest city in the world. It was descovered by the Germans. And they named it "San Diego". Wich means "A Whales Vagina".
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Story Corp
I hear this once a week on NPR.
They other day I heard one that almost made me wreck my car I had so many tears in my eyes.
If I ever had the chance, I would have asked my grandparents about my parents. Just to see if they did act the way they said they didn't.
Friday, July 15, 2005
if you have not seen it...
watch this when it comes on in your respective time zone
My personal favorite is bloopers in space.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Office appeal

I just purchased these two wonderful selections for my office at work.
The first is titled "The tattoo artist(only skin deep)" by Norman Rockwell. Being a collector myself, I always found this one amusing.
The second is the first atomic test for Operation Ivy on the Bikini Islands. It measures approx. 35x59. I plan on cutting it into three sections and mounting them on foam core. I will post a picture of the results.
I am still taking ideas on my three picture theme. right now in no particular order is.
Old Movies - Forbidden Planet, Attack of the 50' Woman, and The day the Earth stood still
Warhol I - Daisy Blue, Daisy Fuschia, Daisy Crimson
Warhol II - Guns, Elvis, Jackie
There is still time to vote. So hurry up.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
I can't belive I work at a place in SoCal that refuses to tunr on the AC when it is close to 98F outside. I mean it must be 77F in here. I am dying.