What is it about these guys and extra innings. They felt compelled to go 18 with the Bravos and are now in the thick of it with the Chi Sox.
As I type, it is now the bottom of the 12th and everyone is running out of pitchers. I love the NL. It really forces you to play ball.
My list of great one liners heard from the booth (in no order)
-this game is like syrup
-shout out to Venezuela
-they seam to be yelling at the opposing bench (as they show a close up of the Houston bench, and you can clearly read their slow motion lips saying "shut your god damn mouth you mother f****rs. just a hint, if you plan to show people cussin likes sailors, don't show it in slo-mo)
-we're getting a 12:20 shadow, these guys need to shave again
-the crowd seems un happy
-they sure seem to be spitting more than they did last game
-(random update on sleeping kids)
top of 13th
random fact just displayed on screen
-camera cuts = 1,605 and growing
-replays = 428
-fox promos = 24 (i thought it would be more like 324)
-game summaries = 10
you have to keep it interesting some how. but hey, the longest game in WS history should be more than enough, but i guess not.
way to go ausmus!!!!
followed by a K by qualls
bottom of 13th
its officially the longest running WS game by time 4 hours and 57 minutes and counting
come on stros, you have already left 11 men on this game. you can't do that and expect to win. pick it up!!!
biggio battling through a tuff at bat - ends with a K :(
call me crazy, but if they don't win, its sounds like the crowd may riot! its worth it to keep watching for that.
top of 14th
loosing will to watch
man on first
HOLY SHIT, MOST UN BELIEVABLE 5-4-3 I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! just consider that they have already been playing for more than 5 hours,
random fact on screen
-things you can do in 5 hours: fly from new york to los angeles(thats a stretch), cook a turkey for thanksgiving, watch 1/5 of a season of fox's "24", and of course=watch the longest game in WS history
damn!! one run hr by chicago, sox=6 to stros=5
looks like the wheels are falling off this little red wagon
i bet i can name someone who wont be playing for Houston next year - astacio (lets hope he makes up for it somehow) you would hate to see someone get their carrier killed by 5 bad pitches.
bottom of 14th
side bar- i don't get how we are supposed to buy off on advertisings push of the hot girl-to-guy ratio. as of late it has been very skewed. pay attention and you will see what i mean.
1 down
2 down
error - man on 1st and 3rd
brad everett up to bat (he looks like the skinny guy from road tip)
pop out
chicago leads 3 games to 0
stat of the game - houston left 15 men on base.
sad thing is, this is my first baseball game of the year. but hey, i watched history in the making.
time to go to sleep and head to beautiful palmdale in 5.5 hours.